5 Reasons Why I Love Doing Business Online

I love the web. I cherish the web. I think a lot about the web.

Although there are a lot of dangers and some bad, ridiculous and horrific abuses of it … I’m still very fond of this remarkable communications technology.

Just reflecting on the last year of intensely focusing my efforts and time into Internet pursuits — from blogging to business — I realized how much I’ve come to absolutely adore this medium.

Here’s five reasons why …

1. EASE.

I’ve always wanted to have a business, but frankly been scared to take that first step of actually doing it. Now I have! Because the web lowered the bar for doing that (cost, time, fear, etc), I was able to start a blog design business this year … with 99% of my marketing efforts all through web-based channels.

And if I’m being honest, I’ll tell you … I really fell into it. I ain’t that smart.

With the help of a friend, I ventured out … and saw it explode in potential.


I can change business strategies at the speed of a mouse click. I can adapt to new competition or changes with remarkable quickness. If I have a new business idea, I can literally buy the domain name and have the site setup (through the beauty of WordPress) in about 20 minutes or less.

I love the speed of the web!

Those ideas that once got locked away for various reasons now can flourish on the web because it costs less and takes less time to do.


I have a lot of ideas. And most of them are terrible. But with the web, I can test them … fast and cheap. The ones that take off … I can divert my attention and time into developing and tweaking them. The ones that fail … they just take up about 5 cents of server space or an hour or two of grief.


I’ve been able to connect with people I wouldn’t hard ordinarily been able to using my blog and platforms like Facebook. And I’ve started some amazing friendships in the process.

But mostly because of my blogs, I’ve been able to leverage my online “profile” into business relationships and contacts that have given me unparalleled exposure in my field and industry.


Although I’ve hinted at this already, it deserves it’s own number. Yes, the web is cheap … and it’s getting cheaper.

Need more proof? Guy started a rockin’ Web 2.0 site for a shade over $12K.

A classic example of an entrepreneur, he said this about his Truemors experiment:

One thing is for sure: no entrepreneur can tell me that he needs $1 million, four programmers, and six months to launch this kind of company. … For not a whole lot of money and time you can get something out there and see if it works.

This is from a guy who writes books about entrepreneurship!

I think the bottomline to all of this is … it’s remarkably easy and affordable to start a business online today. The web makes it all possible.

… but sometimes you gotta fall into it. 🙂

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2 responses to “5 Reasons Why I Love Doing Business Online”

  1. I too love doing business on the web. You have hit likely the 5 major reasons & benefits for doing business on the web.

    Great post!

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