Blog Design
I’ve been using Twitter for over a month now (find me at corymiller303) … and most, if not all, the people I follow on this hot Web 2.0 communications platform use WordPress for their blogs … but Twitter doesn’t! Their official blog is on Blogger. Now, this might seem trivial … and I’m sure “new…
One of my best and most trusted friends online, Brian Gardner, just took the Greatest Leap of Faith and has gone entrepreneurial full-time! Translation: He’s put in his notice at his full-time gig and will be running and building Brian Gardner Media, LLC, with all his time now. Brian is a pioneer in WordPress custom…
Brian has just released a new version of his hit premium WordPress theme — Revolution Tech. As always it features his typical outstanding design style, this time with a sleek, polished look. I especially enjoy the tabbed graphics for the front page boxes. Here’s a screenshot: Check it out here
It’s finally here … our first premium newspaper WordPress theme: NewsPixel. Nathan gave it some excellent ‘under the hood’ features that allow you to run them all through WordPress categories. Of course, it comes with some basic video tutorials to help you get started and my Quick Start Guide to Using WordPress as well. Take…
Every now and then, we get to have a lot of fun with a blog design, and the “anonymous” Internet Marketing Gurus Exposed site design was a lot of fun, including working with a client that really appreciates your work. Here’s a preview with a link to the site:
In recent months, two of my family members – both mothers and budding entrepenurs – are looking to start websites to sell their unique products. In both cases, I’ve encouraged them to use WordPress blogs to run their sites. Here’s four reasons why mom entrepreneurs should take a look at using WordPress to run their…
Last month, we had the opportunity to design the Geek Estate Blog, a real estate technology news blog for vendors and professionals, which was founded by Zillow. Here’s a screenshot with a link to visit the blog: Drew Meyers of Zillow commissioned me to design the blog and we collaborate on its design and function.…
Your blog’s design is important. It needs to function properly. It needs to look pleasing and showcase your content. It also need to work for you – meaning, it needs to push your audience toward your goals. So here’s a bold statement: Your individual blog post pages might be the most important design element on…
Recently, I’ve come upon a couple of writer/author websites that contain excellent content, but lack an effective design that could help take their websites and books to the next level. And I think blogs, in particular, those run by WordPress, are easy, affordable tools for marketing your book and writing skills and niche to a…
In order to demonstrate how WordPress could be used by real estate agents and brokers, we decided to drum up a demo version … here’s a screenshot that’s linked to a live demo of our Real Estate WordPress Theme. Here are a couple of reasons we think a custom WordPress theme would be a good…