Want to order swag shirts for your business, but don’t know what quantities and sizes to order?
We’ve been doing swag shirts at iThemes for a number of years now and wanted to share some tips for how we do it. (Big hat tip to Brad Ulrich and Cody Smith for their help along the years doing and refining all of this.)
I’ve always loved shirts and have a full wardrobe as you might expect of our brand shirts. One time a new team member had lost over 100 pounds before joining our team and got to outfit his new wardrobe with our shirts in 5 minutes.
Standard Order: 72 shirts (typically unisex) — this quantity has served us well as we typically have some leftover to giveaway to new team members and customers.
Order Sizes:
- S – 4
- M – 8
- L – 20
- XL – 23
- 2XL – 14
- 3XL – 3
Printfection recommends with the following sizes:
- Small – 10%
- Medium – 25%
- Large – 30%
- XL – 25%
- 2XL+ – 10%
Other Notes:
We also have a list of team members and their sizes to adjust our orders as needed. And we typically order Tultex unisex shirts because they are soft and cheaper than American Apparel. Just a headsup — if you go with unisex, you’ll get instant requests for women’s and babies!
On almost every shirt, we print a small logo on the back near the neckline to connect it back to our business.
The most popular shirts have been either WordPress ones (“My Blog Can Beat Up Your Blog”) and the ones with just our logo across the front (in all colors). Hoodies are another post but we’ve ordered them twice, mainly for our team but also given them away and they have been uber-popular with everyone (this year we gave them away to spouses and significant others as well).
In the past we’ve ordered from JakPrints, but now order almost exclusively from a local shirt vendor in Oklahoma City. We like working with one vendor who knows us and how we do things … and the fact, we can get them right when they are done.
Those are some rapid fire tips for ordering swag shirts for your business.