How Facebook Could Rule My World

The last few months, I’ve started to use social mega-network Facebook for two reasons:

  1. To communicate better with our church’s college ministry student (99% of them use it and love it)
  2. To use it as a great networking platform for my business (I like it much better than LinkedIn)

It’s an incredible platform. As has been said too many times to count, the power is in the user base. And as more and more bloggers have joined it I’ve been able to make some connections with many of them — some I’ve don’t really know that well or at all.

Here’s a couple of things I’ve loved about Facebook (and by the way, here’s my Profile):

  • Creating an event and inviting people to it is SUPER easy. It’s the best event planning software I’ve ever used.
  • Making friends and connections is SUPER easy too. And finding old friends and new network opportunities is something I’ve cherished with this service.
  • Using it for my business just got better with Pages. Now I can highlight my products and services and ask peopel to be “fans.” (Look for this announcement soon.)

BUT … I still haven’t dove head first into Facebook … I haven’t wrapped my whole communication world around it yet (much like many of our college students have).

And I think here’s the key … like many “older” people I don’t stay logged into Facebook. I have notifications set to email me when someone writes on my Wall, or asks to add me as a Friend.

So I’ve realized … if Facebook wants to get my total buy-in, so that I use the platform for everything I do, including email … they’re going to have to create a way for me to use Facebook as my email client too. In other words, they need to make their platform the center of my universe and that includes this old-fashioned thing called EMAIL.

Oh, and a good calendar system would be good too!

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One response to “How Facebook Could Rule My World”

  1. I definitely agree. If Facebook integrated some Google-like tools that were highly functional, helped me organize, put everything in one place, I would use it even more.