How Specialty Grocery Stores, Niche Food Outlets Could Be Using Blogs

… by posting free recipes like Smoothie Recipes does.

I could see how a grocery store or food outlet, like a nutrition store or “organic” shop, could also post cooking and health food tips based on their products …

… but the principle is simple: Find ways to promote your products or services in innovative, creative ways.

Use a blog to do it … set a regular and realistic post schedule … and have your employees brainstorm (or even remember) useful tips that your customers would love to have …

Do you have a little organic shop? Give me 10 ways to discern real and “fake” organic products.

Do you have a specialty grocery store? Give me free savory recipes stuff … you might even look at the calendar and have “themed recipes” for Halloween, Christmas, Fourth of July, etc.


All this talk about smoothies makes me think about good ole Duct Tape here.

I couldn’t find it immediately but I remember a while back there was a big stir about 101 ways to use duct tape or something like that.

It was the work of a marketing genuis.

Take a product — a rather boring one, in fact — see how many different ways you could use it.

A simple search netted these sites: Duct Tape Fashion and Make It Yourself with Duct Tape.

OK, remember … we’re talking about duct tape, not smoothies!

Some keys to doing this successfully for food products is to:

  • avoid marketing talk (it’s not a brochure)
  • make it useful, practical, helpful (think in terms of benefits for your customers)
  • create something that could ultimately be printed and taped to the fridge (lists are always great posts, but for food products, think recipes, like the Smoothies did!)

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