In my new video tutorial package — 7 Steps to Optimizing Your WordPress Blog — I give the “best practices” I’ve used from more than a year and a half of blogging to garner more than 60 percent of my site’s traffic from the search engines (namely Google).
One “best practice” or step that I offer for free is this vide on How to Tweak Your Meta Tags on Your WordPress Blog.
Here’s how to do this and what I suggest …
To put in your new meta tags, go to Presentation / Theme Editor and then click on the header.php theme file.
In your Header theme file, you’ll want to add meta “description” and “keywords” for your site. (See the video for
Here’s the code you’ll want to include inside this header area, with sample content from my website:
<meta name=”keywords” content=”Most important keyword phrases, more keyword phrases, even more keyword phrases, to Less important keyword phrases”>
<meta name=”description” content=”Put in a 1-2 sentence description of your site that will be displayed in Google”>
Download the meta tag sample of the accompanying ebook tutorial here
Why These Meta Tags?
I suggest the Meta Tag Description because often Google and the search engines will use the Meta Tag Description in their search results for your site. Here is how it looks for this site in Google for the general keyword search of “cory miller”:
And the Meta Tag Keywords also show the search spiders what keywords you want your site to be included for … I think it’s just one more indicator and way to highlight the main keywords you want to be found for in the search engines. I would caution against overloading this meta tag with keywords that your blog doesn’t cover. Just pick out the main ones and highlight them here.
OK, that’s it … you can purchase the rest of the 7 Steps to Optimizing Your WordPress Blog here, which includes my QuickStart Guide to Using WordPres ebook as well, for an introductory price of $67.