
  • I’ve been writing for publications since I was 15 years old and spent a large part of my career working for newspapers and magazines, in addition to the blogging I’ve done. And in the last year, my approach to writing has been revolutionized by mind maps. In fact, my entire creative thought process has increasingly been…

  • We built a video studio for iThemes and, to be able to roll out new classes and try to put a “face” on what we do … and I decided to do a Welcome video for this blog … here goes!

  • It’s funny how things work or happen … so I need to work in the back story before getting to the headline. Back story: I started using blogging because I wanted to share opinions, thoughts, and experiences with others. There was a void. My number 1 strength is Learner, so I eat knowledge for breakfast.…

  • Penelope Trunk is one of my all-time favorite columnists. She’s a former client, so I had the privilege to speak to her on a number of occasions as I helped her maintain her gigantic blog. Anyway, she did a Q&A about blogging and I found this quote to be especially relevant … Find a very…

  • Been doing some catching up on my feedreads and found some great links related to blogging … Penelope, one of my favorite bloggers and a former client, talks about how to be a successful blogger 50 Blogging Niches, plus 50 More Marketing to Bloggers According to Tim Ferriss

  • So Google is dominating search even more … The question is: Are you talking to the search engine powerhouse? Are you giving Google a roadmap to your content by using the free or cheap resources available on the Web? Here’s the super simple formula I’ve used for two years of blogging: WordPress + Sitemap Plugin…

  • This morning I thought I’d get my iPhone upgrade to 2.0 so I could get some cool apps talked about here … but I failed to realize maybe a couple million more people around the globe had the same thought and would clog the pipeline. Along with a whole bunch of people, I’m getting the…

  • If you don’t read blogs via a handy feedreader, you should. It saves sooo much time. Daniel has started RSSDay, which will be on May 1. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. There’s a video on the site, but I’ve heard RSS or feeds are like an email inbox for websites/blogs. I’ve got well over…

  • Over at iThemes, we’ve just released our inaugural free WordPress themes. We think this represents a first-step contribution to the WordPress community in the realm of free theme releases. Along with our free WordPress video tutorials, we plan to make more contribution to the community in the future (so stay tuned). [ Download and demo…

  • I just did a phone interview with a reporter from our state daily newspaper about blogging. And in the interview, it seemed like I keep coming back to the idea of the popularity of blogging being attributed to it being relatively easy for people to do it. I said this comment directly, which I’ve said…