I have used webinars for several years now and I love them.
I don’t like organizing in-person events because of all the logstics, people involved and cost. So whenever possible, we’ve scheduled webinars to showcase our products, do advanced training and offer practical content.
In fact, we built an entire training division using them. (At WebDesign.com we stream 15-20 hours of new content every month using webinars. And at iThemesTV, another 1 hour or so training a week.)
Along the way, we’ve picked up some best practices from just doing them week in and week out and seeing how others do them.
So I gathered these up and put them into a free ebook titled 15 Best Practices for Rockin’ Webinars.
In this ebook, you’ll learn:
- What is a webinar anyway
- 6 benefits for using webinars in your business
- How to make the most out of your webinars (and your attendees happy)
- Recommended resources for webinars
- How to record your webinar
- 5 tips to remember during your webinar presentation and more