My New Business Leadership Podcast with Matt Danner

For a couple of months or maybe years, my business sidekick Matt Danner (COO of iThemes) and I have been talking about sharing the lessons and experiences we’ve learned leading and growing a team and business at iThemes over the last 8+ years.

This morning, we finally made actual progress on that dream and recorded the first two episodes this morning of a business podcast called Leader.Team.

In the first episode aka The Pilot, we talk about our backstories and background to where we are today. IN the second episode, we talk about our current roles and responsibilities, how we got here and why we think our unique, distinct personalities and strengths have made for a very successful leadership team.

Here’s some details about what we’re hoping to do with this podcast series:

Goal — To post a short (15-25 minute), easily digestible, practical and applicable podcast, from our experiences, twice a month on topics that young leaders and managers are interested in.

Purpose — To share our experiences and expertise as leaders and managers at iThemes in order to help others who want to lead, grow and care for teams, while also making purpose and profit.

Significance — We’ve learned a lot about leading and managing people as well as growing a business, often the hard, painful, costly way.

Prior to starting iThemes, I was a journalist, having “managed” only a part-time person before starting iThemes.

Matt was a college student when he started at iThemes, initially handling our sales emails, now managing 25+ people, many of whom are older than him.

Now, after 8+ years, we have a team of 25+ people, some in office, some remote, and thousands of customers around the world.

We want to share the stories, lessons, values, beliefs, philosophies, tools and experiences we’ve gleaned over the years to help you learn and grow … from each of our unique and different perspectives.


Go signup to be the first to know when we launch the Leader.Team podcast series here. 

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