I’ve just rolled out our LifeDev plans as part of our Make Waves Manifestos at iThemes today.
It is our way to invest in you — our community and our team. It is one way for us to give back and give of ourselves and I hope you will join us in doing so.
Throughout the year (or next 10 months), we’ll be rolling out training through webinars and blog posts on certain life themes I feel have been instrumental in my life and helping me maintain happy and health relationships.
These are the things I’ve gathered over a lifetime of seeking to learn and grow and improve my life. As such I’m championing this endeavor for iThemes but will be recruiting guest experts to come and share with us.
My goal is to have 200 people signed up … but I think maybe I was thinking too small now.
The commitment to be a part of LifeDev is pretty small honestly. We want you to commit to read one book a month (either from our list or your own); share what you are learning with someone else; and report back to us how you’re growing (so we can measure the impact we’re hoping to make).
It doesn’t cost a thing. It’s our gift to you. But it will cost you time and energy, but it’ll be well worth it!
All in all, there are 6 ‘Make Waves’ Manifestos for us this year … and LifeDev is just one. You can learn about the others on the MakeWaves2012.com site (and be sure to sign up for others that resonate with you).
But in the meantime, I hope you’ll join us for LifeDev this year and let us invest in you and your success!