
  • I’ve lived in my head for most of my life. The last four years, it’s been treading the path of diving into my feelings. The deep work has been all about feelings. Starting to actually feel them and not numb or void them. Then the work of processing them. And eventually accepting them. In the…

  • And that you will walk alongside me all my life. But I want a new relationship with you. You know, that fledging one we’ve been growing. One that doesn’t cause more or unnecessary fear. Or hurt and pain. Especially for others I love. I know you are a basic, primal and necessary emotion. That I need you. …

  • For the last year and a half after my burnout, my personal journey has led me to explore what some might call “new age” and label as mystical. Particularly, my journey has focused on two areas: shamanism and astrology. But I don’t like or accept accept the term “new age” for these. That comes with…

  • This morning I’ve been starting to dream about 2022 and what I want to make of it in the key areas of my life. And that led me to Zig Ziglars classic Success for Dummies which has a wheel of life assessment. Then I rediscovered the Flourishing Assessment. I self-scored a 68 but the exercise…

  • We don’t tell the stories down the mountain … we only tell the ones going up to glory. We glamorize the ascent not the descent. Inflation not deflation. Launch and but the glide down. But what comes after the pinnacle, summiting? To the moon. But what about not just the ride back to earth but…

  • Been working on changing the default settings and here’s one …. Switching all my role models (real, perceived, historical, fictional) to female first. And it’s opened up so deeper, fuller thoughts in such a good positive way. My first one that immediately came to mind … Rey Skywalker. Fierce, focused, dedicated, bold

  • Wish I had someone like a genie or myself from the future to keep saying and reminding me of this: This is normal. Most people go through this. Everything is going to be OK. This is another version of Everybody Hurts.

  • I’ve mentioned before that I am viewing this chapter of my life not as summiting a mountain but growing a lush vibrant garden. My coach asked me to close my eyes and describe what that looks like. Eventually I said Te Fiti, the goddess with the power to create life in the awesome movie Moana.…

  • I’ve been planning to tackle cleaning out our garage for weeks as I thought what analog thing I could do to get away from the computer. After some advice and encouragement from my dad about how to tackle it, I started whittling on it yesterday. And then again today. I’ve written one of my pillar…