What Drives Us as a Business: Short Videos on our Core Values

I did these short videos this week to highlight some of the core values and philosophies that define us as a team and business.

My purpose in these videos is simple: I want you to get to know us and what we’re about at our core.

If you know who we are, then you’ll better understand how and why we do things and ultimately, be happier in our community knowing these things, which makes us happy!

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3 responses to “What Drives Us as a Business: Short Videos on our Core Values”

  1. Cory,

    Wonderful display of your company philosophy and best practices! I’ve been a fan of yours since 2007. You have come a long way and I applaud you for developing your business into what it is today. Keep up the great work and keep growing. You are helping to make jobs in a very tough economy.

    Your fan,


    1. Thanks Bruce. If we get that effect then we’ve achieved our goal.

  2. Thats great.. nice to see that even a short 1min video can have great value to your readers.