The Path To A Better World

I’m confident the path to a better world is through understanding, respecting and then treasuring our differences.

When we see and believe in each other as all unique pieces in a masterful, beautiful puzzle, then we can feel the pride and purpose that comes with contributing to each other’s betterment.

We can then say we were part of something bigger and better rather than the fractured and dysfunctional people we too often are, daily by our actions discounting the reason that makes us unique and wonderful.

Just as I cannot do all things, but rather a few things well and good, others come in to offer their greatness.

That’s true wholeness and oneness and exponentially powerful.

We were created as equals but different and unique for a reason.

We need our differences, to come together as one, for each other.

That’s the world I want my children to eagerly rush into as they discover their unique purpose and place in it, and then to be fully free to give of themselves wholly to it.

I’m not sure I may see it … but my hope is forever in us, and them, to finally accomplish it.

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One response to “The Path To A Better World”

  1. Great article.

    Years ago my oldest son said “Mom, every family is dysfunctional”.

    The proper mix is what it is all about.

    Keep up the good work..