Establishing Your Own McProcess

Reading The E-Myth for the first time several years ago changed my view of business and entrepreneurship. It’s has been one of the most significant influences on my business life and views.

Consequently at iThemes, we talk a lot about our McProcess — the system for doing what we do, which, in general, is WordPress theme development.

If you’ve read The E-Myth, you know a key theme is building a process similar to how McDonald’s produces burgers and has become a multi-billion dollar company.

Thus, the McProcess … or “working ON the business, not IN it.”

Generally, our McProcess includes these steps:

  • Discovery — thinking through what our customers want and establishing the parameters for the new theme design
  • Design — using Photoshop to create the look and feel
  • Development — taking the PSD and cutting it up to work live on the web, including adding individual features that may involve coding
  • Release — marketing the theme to our customers
  • Support — this involves building tutorials, answering customer questions and fixing bugs

But that’s just the overall McProcess for Theme Development. We’ve got other smaller McProcesses for almost each aspect of the business.

For instance, our “creative architect” James Dalman has been honing a McProcess for handling customer emails that come in. He’s even developed a copy and paste “cheatsheet” for answering those emails that prospects continually ask (no matter how much we’ve refined our McProcess on our sales site).

Also, throughout the past year, we’ve been honing the McProcess for Support (one facet of the grand business plan, but vitally important). Our forum moderator Ronald van Weerd has been helpful in seeing and anticipating customer requests.

Those are just a couple of areas … and there’s always something to tweak and refine … we’re definitely not where we need to be, but we’re on a path toward greater efficiency and productivity that will allow us to do more and explore innovative areas for our business.

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2 responses to “Establishing Your Own McProcess”

  1. Awesome post!

    You can see the influence of the emyth’s franchise model in all your projects at ithemes and happy joe.

    Keep building an awesome asset.

  2. I like that cheat sheet idea for customer support. We have to implement that. I’m not sure where the answers should reside though.

    It would be better if it were in shared space, but that space should be easily and quickly searchable, i.e. this is the sort of thing which cries out to be local on one’s own computer (speed of use) but on the other hand one needs to share.

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