How Real Estate Agents Can Use WordPress: A Real Estate WordPress Theme

In order to demonstrate how WordPress could be used by real estate agents and brokers, we decided to drum up a demo version … here’s a screenshot that’s linked to a live demo of our Real Estate WordPress Theme.

Here are a couple of reasons we think a custom WordPress theme would be a good solution for real estate agents:

  • Affordable, really affordable — Compare to the cost of typical website design, and a custom WordPress theme is extremely affordable
  • Easy to use and update — WordPress is extremely easy to use and update, allowing the agent to be control of his/her content
  • Capitalize on local search — Because of WordPress’s ability to get your blog/site indexed quickly, you can focus on funneling those local search inquiries straight to your site

These are just a couple of reasons … check out our Real Estate WordPress Theme here.

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11 responses to “How Real Estate Agents Can Use WordPress: A Real Estate WordPress Theme”

  1. Have you released this theme? I like it alot. From the css it looks like this theme is GPL.

  2. Albert, no, right now it’s not being released as a free theme …

    Thanks for the catch though … I’ve changed the stylesheet.

  3. Another good thing with wordpress is it makes the posts visible to search engines.

  4. It looks really awesome. Congratulations for the idea, I find it brilliant!

  5. WordPress has that magic power to deliver updates to Google via its RSS, and believe me, it works fast. At the moment i stick to Joomla for estate site..

  6. WordPress seems to be the most popular tool for real estate and finance related websites. Besides WordPress, are there any other good alternatives?

  7. Responding to the post above, many people now are using an open source CMS (Content Management System) called Joomla but I find it a lot more complicated then wordpress and they have just about the same options.

  8. Your design is good, but it seems like you’ve not including the whole part of how to set up WordPress to handle real estate listings.
    Using your template is a great start, but it’s important to set up the structure of the site properly as well.
    I’ve written part 1 of a tutorial series that could be used in concert with your template: Building a Real Estate Website in WordPress – Part 1.

    Check it out, and let me know what you think!

  9. Finally! This is esactly what i am looking for. This will give my realtors a better way to edit their pages.

  10. Great stuff Cory! I’ve spent hours on your sites watching the wordpress video tutorials. The links you provided for the landing page conversions provided for great reading. I am looking forward to converting over to WordPress for my Contact Management System. Thanks again, you’re awesome!

  11. We wonder if this will work with our real estate business. We currently have a good website but not yet on the frot page of Google searches for the most important search terms. We are on page two, three and six for the three most important search phrases for our business. Thanks for the valuable insights.