How to Make Your Software Sacred

Just posted this over at Entrepreneurship Lab titled 11 Striking Traits of Sexy, Sacred Software. 

But here are the 11 S’s of Sacred Software with some examples:

  • Sync — Software should be available everywhere I want it to be, like my iPhone, then my laptop and yes, even at the public library I just used this week. (Dropbox)
  • Social — Software should connect me to others. (TwitterFacebookLinkedIn, yada yada)
  • Share — Software should help me easily share my life (or stuff) with others (WordPressPinterestSwap)
  • Stats — Software should help me measure and analyze everything I do. (Google AnalyticsNike+ Running App, or FitBit)
  • Sell — Software should help me sell my stuff (EtsySquareUpStripe)
  • Spend — Software should help me buy the stuff I want. (Amazon’s one-click payments, iTunes, [insert any app store])
  • Smart — Software should help me find and figure out stuff faster and easier. Yes, software should think for me. (Google’s autofill or shortcuts, Netflix recommendations)
  • Simple — Software should be easy to understand and use. Super bonus points if you don’t need a manual or have to ask questions. (TumblrUber)
  • Spam — Software should sift out the spam and noise in my life. (AkismetGmail)
  • Speed — Software should make things faster and streamline life for me. (CDNs, caching services, Mint, but let’s share the worst example of speed: Facebook Mobile)
  • Secure — Software should make everything safe and secure (1Password)

Read and comments on the full post at the EntreLab here.

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