Just posted this over at Entrepreneurship Lab titled 11 Striking Traits of Sexy, Sacred Software.
But here are the 11 S’s of Sacred Software with some examples:
- Sync — Software should be available everywhere I want it to be, like my iPhone, then my laptop and yes, even at the public library I just used this week. (Dropbox)
- Social — Software should connect me to others. (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, yada yada)
- Share — Software should help me easily share my life (or stuff) with others (WordPress, Pinterest, Swap)
- Stats — Software should help me measure and analyze everything I do. (Google Analytics, Nike+ Running App, or FitBit)
- Sell — Software should help me sell my stuff (Etsy, SquareUp, Stripe)
- Spend — Software should help me buy the stuff I want. (Amazon’s one-click payments, iTunes, [insert any app store])
- Smart — Software should help me find and figure out stuff faster and easier. Yes, software should think for me. (Google’s autofill or shortcuts, Netflix recommendations)
- Simple — Software should be easy to understand and use. Super bonus points if you don’t need a manual or have to ask questions. (Tumblr, Uber)
- Spam — Software should sift out the spam and noise in my life. (Akismet, Gmail)
- Speed — Software should make things faster and streamline life for me. (CDNs, caching services, Mint, but let’s share the worst example of speed: Facebook Mobile)
- Secure — Software should make everything safe and secure (1Password)