Let’s Learn About Your Unique Strengths Together

Here’s what I want to offer and do next for you ….

I love talking and learning about our natural strengths — both for myself and my teams.

And particularly so I can better leverage them in my life and leadership and help my team do the same.

The first meeting of my leadership small group — You and Your People — was on this subject and it re-energized me on how foundational knowing my strengths has been for my own leadership — in building my confidence, so that I can be more authentic and impactful.

When you understand and know yourself better, particularly your unique and natural strengths, you can better leverage them for yourself and your team.

And the more natural and authentic we are as leaders, the more impactful, effective and productive we are.

I want to help you be more of yourself as a leader …

Over the last 10+ years as a leader, I’ve found 3 tools to be particularly helpful in knowing myself so I can better leverage my unique strengths and lean into my own unique style and approach of leadership.

They are:

(By the way, there are two more I could include, but I don’t want to overwhelm you.)

Here’s how it’ll work …

Over a couple of days or weeks (whatever pace you choose, but not in the same sitting or day even), you’ll go take each assessment.

For each tool, I’ll have a short video introducing it and sharing my personal experiences along with examples of how I’ve used it in my leadership.

Additionally, I’ll have questions and assignments for you to reflect on and answer in the private member area at Leader.Team.

Once you’ve completed the assessments, posted your results and done the assignments, we will schedule a 30-minute call to discuss it all and I will provide feedback and answer questions you might have.

Here’s the investment and what you get ….

I’m calling it Uniquely You.

$97 one-time payment and limited time offer. (Books/assessment costs not included)

  • Access to videos with personal experiences and examples from me on each assessment
  • 30-minute call with me (used within 30 days of purchase)
  • Access to the Leader.Team private Slack channel

As always, you’ll have a 30-day money back guarantee.

I’ll roll out the videos and assignments on June 11, 2019. 

Here’s an overview of what I’m offering through the Uniquely You course:

The Uniquely You Course from Cory Miller

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