
  • Reading The E-Myth for the first time several years ago changed my view of business and entrepreneurship. It’s has been one of the most significant influences on my business life and views. Consequently at iThemes, we talk a lot about our McProcess — the system for doing what we do, which, in general, is WordPress…

  • HostGator, my favorite web hosting company (best customer support, very zippy hosting), uses Twitter extremely well! Follow HostGator on Twitter here and yes, iThemes took an idea from their book.

  • I’ve often described business as a roller coaster ride. There are ups and downs. But mostly the ups have been big and enough to distract me from the downs. Last night, I got sent a photo of our business – iThemes – being mentinoed in the second edition of the WordPress for Dummies book, published…

  • Entrepreneurship comes with its share of frustrations, heartaches and worries, but occasionally you get some great feedback from customers that make it all worthwhile, while also bolstering your confidence in what you set out to do. As an entrpreneur, you set out to do certain things, above making a profit. Things like building great products…

  • I just read about Google’s 20 Percent Time corporate philosophy here that explains what that means: The 20 percent time is a well-known part of our philosophy here, enabling engineers to spend one day a week working on projects that aren’t necessarily in our job descriptions. I’ve been wanting to do this for our team…