Career Advice

  • Keyboarding is an underutilized, under appreciated skill for career professionals. With the speed of technological innovation, computers are being integrated into virtually every job out there, even in manual labor type jobs. For employers it saves time as it democratizes data in the organization. For employees, it can save us time and energy that can…

  • For the last couple of hours, I’ve been fascinated with exploring “Companies” on LinkedIn when I stumbled onto a link on most company profile on the right sidebar that says “Check out insightful statistics about [company] employees >>” To find this, simply add “insights” to the end of any company profile URL. Such as:…

  • I created a bucket list for the first time in August 2010. At the time, I had achieved some of my biggest dreams and was grasping for “what’s next” and “what’s left” in my life. I was struggling actually. I’ve always had big over aching goals to pursue. And with most of the major ones…

  • Today I’m introducing the Quick Career Nuggets series at Purposeful Paychecks. The goal is to give career tips and practical steps for action in 5 minutes or less. In each Career Nugget blog post, I’ll seek to …. Give some key nugget Why you should heed it How to learn more and take action You…

  • Once you have the 6 enduring principles to career happiness down, you need to make progress toward finding the work that matches what you want in life and ultimately gives you that purposeful paycheck. Heretics of the purposeful paycheck use a blueprint or roadmap to continually find and maintain career happiness through our lives. Here…