Startup Handbook

  • Here’s the first session I did for our Pre-Entrepreneurship Bootcamp at The Div in December 2011. We had a great group of speakers with 12 budding aspiring entrepreneurs in the room for one full day of training. I believe entrepreneurship should be a noble cause. As entrepreneurs, we should seek to change the world for…

  • Lately I’ve been using a metaphor about rowing boats to illustrate how each person on our team must add value or be removed from the team. (Please know I don’t take letting someone go lightly. I’ve had to do it several times at iThemes, but it’s always a hard, and often emotional decision and one…

  • As an entrepreneur almost every week you’re faced with an opportunity to do things the right way. Money and revenue allow our business to stay going and the lights on and our health insurance paid and all those fun things that let us do passionate, purposeful work. But oftentimes when we’re scraping to get to…

  • Fear is indeed a great motivator sometimes. Today, I thought about some of the things we’re trying to do with our business – from hiring 6+ new people in the last couple of months to starting a nonprofit foundation after just being in business for 3.5 years. And I had to ask myself this question:…

  • As part of StartupSofa, I am going to be sharing our Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) that I have been rough drafting for iThemes for several months (well, ok, years) but just now filtering through our internet communications. I’m calling this series the Startup Handbook … it is my/our way of doing things, our formula if…