Was reading the incredibly awesome book Decoding Greatness and stopped in my tracks at this quote at the difference between managers and entrepreneurs according to the late HBR professor Clayton Christensen’s research:
Founders question;
managers comply.
Unpacking that further …. the author writes:
Founders ask big-picture questions (“What’s the real problem here?”),
pose what-if scenarios (“What would happen if we stopped accepting cash?”),
and, crucially, try to expose root causes (“What leads customers to behave this way?”).
Innovation doesn’t happen by maintaining the status quo. It happens by asking, investigating, exploring.
But that kind of thinking and questioning ruffles the feathers.
I’ll bet like myself if you think this way you’ve felt out of place for most of your life. Maybe, perhaps even looked down upon by others.
I have.
You feel like a misfit. Like you are flawed in some way.
Here’s a quick example you’ve likely heard a million times:
Why can’t he/she/they just focus on one thing?
Or stay in one place for more than [X time]?
Sound familiar?
By the way, I’d bet you’re likely an Initiating Quick Start in Kolbe language.
But you’re different for a reason.
Your differences are your uniqueness and value.
Today, I stumbled onto Patrick Leconi’s 6 Types of Working Genius, that helps further illustrate why you aren’t flawed, just unique.
The 6 Types of Working Genius are:
- Wonder
- Invention
- Discernment
- Galvanizing
- Enablement
- Tenacity
My top two were Wonder and Invention, which makes total sense to me.
My frustrations or lowest are Discernment and Tenacity. Ouch, but right on.
In the last couple of weeks I’ve felt internal and perhaps external commentary and pressure that sounds like:
Cory doesn’t finish. He doesn’t follow through.
I beat the crap out of myself about it, revamped my to-do system, blocked time in my calendar each day to get stuff done (I call it my Pile of Poo).
I went in search of myself to “fix” it.
But if you look at Leconi’s model further, all six work in conjunction with each other … in a system:
When I saw the WIDGET, I immediately felt a sense of relief and purpose.
We need all six to get things done.
I am good at the ideas and innovating part, but I desperately need help taking it to the finish line.
I’ve felt beat up so many times because I’m “an idea guy.” All talk, no execution.
But it wasn’t until I had a team of other Working Geniuses that the whole engine started really working.
Which is why I loved LIVING this mantra with my team:
If you want to go fast, go alone.
African Proverb
If you want to go far, go together.
I know I’m 100 times better with others …. and I know I NEED others to go far, to make great music, together.
Here are some thoughts on that ….
- We need each other to do and be our best — stop looking down on others because they are different, instead look at them as allies.
- You are a vital part of a bigger puzzle — believe it inside yourself, double down on your unique strengths and teach/share it with others.
- Find your complimentary pieces — search for the people, the partners, teammates and collaborators that make things happen.
- Respect and rave about each other’s unique contributions — and how you work as a team, in the system, of producing great work in the world TOGETHER.
Lindsey and I were talking about all of this a few days ago. I was beating myself up, saying how one of my saboteurs is “Restless.”
And she reminded me of when we heard David Rendell, author of the Freak Factor, speak in Oklahoma City a couple years ago.
He said essentially …. write down some of your weaknesses. And we did. For instance, restless.
Then he said, now flip them over and notice how they can be strengths.
Lindsey, always the encourager and supporter (God I love you honey), goes ….
Well, let’s flip that — Restless. You are always searching, always looking for opportunities, always learning, always exploring, always curious.
Without it, would you have done X, Y, Z?
Probably not.
Rendall says:
… what makes us weird also makes us wonderful.
David Rendall
What makes us weak also makes us strong.
You are not flawed.
You are gifted.
For a reason and purpose.
Somehow, somewhere
Now, you go find your people.
This post is part of my 30 Days of Clicking Publish