My Favorite Conversations with Entrepreneurs

… are the ones where I get to listen, ask questions and help entrepreneurs think through a problem or challenge or make a decision.

It’s what I wanted and had as an entrepreneur.

Someone across from you or a phone call away who has your best in mind, and experience to relate.

Let’s face it. Business is tough. And most of the time we feel we are making it up as we go.

Most of these conversations are simple because we are asking ourselves:

Is this the right decision or move?

For problem center ones I love to help entrepreneurs think bigger and better, to ask:

How could we think bigger and broader about this challenge? And use it for an even better result?

For the entrepreneur it’s simply about validation and affirmation. Sanity checks.

For me, it’s helping them step into their own power as leaders.

I ask this a lot after listening to the initial context:

What do you think?

What does your gut say?

What’s the ideal outcome you want from this?

And most often recently I find myself saying back to them after some next step is identified …

See. You had all of this already inside you.

But I’m damn happy to be here when they found it.

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