I recently shared some of my thoughts on mental health in a blog post titled “Everybody Hurts, Including Me, And It’s OK To Ask For Help,” which was based on a talk I gave at WordCamp Denver 2015.
This was the toughest talk I’ve ever given … and I usually try not to cry but I broke up several times recounting my story. The video for that talk (around 28 minutes) is now online.
One response to “My Talk on Mental Health and Entrepreneurship Is Now Online”
Hi Cory. I read this post, watched the video on WordPress TV and listened to the podcast over at WPTavern and have been thinking about it for a few days.
I want to commend you for the courage to speak about this in such a public forum. Hopefully your actions will inspire others to do the same.
Life is full of peaks and valleys. Highs and lows. We are here to learn and we do that through the various experiences we have and situations we find ourselves in. And by our interactions with others. Negative is positive in disguise though we tend not to see it for what it is at that particular point in time. Negativity, as tough as it can be, is an opportunity to learn and grow. And by the looks of it you are acing this stuff. 🙂
I won’t ramble on and on. Just want to say thank you for the courage to share your experiences with others. Peace.