Mental Health

  • I’ve lived in my head for most of my life. The last four years, it’s been treading the path of diving into my feelings. The deep work has been all about feelings. Starting to actually feel them and not numb or void them. Then the work of processing them. And eventually accepting them. In the…

  • In the past, for over a decade, I was my own brand of business road warrior and it wore on me and my emotional and physical health. Translation: I mostly dreaded it. I didn’t like being away from my family. I don’t like airports. Airplanes are so uncomfortable. And living out of a suitcase for…

  • And that you will walk alongside me all my life. But I want a new relationship with you. You know, that fledging one we’ve been growing. One that doesn’t cause more or unnecessary fear. Or hurt and pain. Especially for others I love. I know you are a basic, primal and necessary emotion. That I need you. …

  • This morning I’ve been starting to dream about 2022 and what I want to make of it in the key areas of my life. And that led me to Zig Ziglars classic Success for Dummies which has a wheel of life assessment. Then I rediscovered the Flourishing Assessment. I self-scored a 68 but the exercise…

  • I’ve mentioned before that I am viewing this chapter of my life not as summiting a mountain but growing a lush vibrant garden. My coach asked me to close my eyes and describe what that looks like. Eventually I said Te Fiti, the goddess with the power to create life in the awesome movie Moana.…

  • I’ve been planning to tackle cleaning out our garage for weeks as I thought what analog thing I could do to get away from the computer. After some advice and encouragement from my dad about how to tackle it, I started whittling on it yesterday. And then again today. I’ve written one of my pillar…

  • What if we acted as if mental health and fitness was normal and a positive thing. We could talk about it like we do a new Netflix show or how we need to get back to the gym in the new year with our trusted friends. That we have highs AND lows. But when we…

  • To be seen. To be known. To be recognized and have your presence acknowledged. To know that I am here and you mark me as “present and accounted for.” It’s a special human to human gift. The last couple years I’ve heard this concept of the “authentic self” and been exploring its truth in my…

  • Several years ago I started running … or rather raulking. That’s Cory talk for run-walk. Run some. Walk more. Run some. Walk walk walk. Earlier this week I talked to my coach about setting a minimum daily exercise goal — 5 minutes. I started out with my running shoes on today. Had dates with both…

  • YOU.You do.YOU emerge … in some new way.I don’t like the storms while I’m in it … in fact I kick and scream at them, moan and groan.But every time, I find something new about myself that I love, appreciate, cherish.