My son was asking me about my career today and I always start it by saying “my first love was journalism.”

What I learned in that spark of a career changed me.

Helping those wanting to know … know more.

To help share more about the things they cared about.

My stay was local journalism. 3 Cities. And a school beat.

I loved being around newspapers and newsrooms and a part of it. All this reporting, designed and packaged then printed and rolled up at peoples doors.

My part wasn’t earth shattering work. It was mostly packaging what others reported and then putting a spotlight on kids and schools. I enjoyed being creative with photography. Oh and I had a “humor” column, inspired by Dave Barry, for a while, that I at least found funny.

Eventually it led to sports magazine work. And I got to travel and dive into a new unexpired realms. And it was fun.

I’m deeply grateful for those experiences and philosophies and skills. I’ve brought them along and used them in everything I’ve done professional. And still today.