Career Advice

  • For a couple of months or maybe years, my business sidekick Matt Danner (COO of iThemes) and I have been talking about sharing the lessons and experiences we’ve learned leading and growing a team and business at iThemes over the last 8+ years. This morning, we finally made actual progress on that dream and recorded the first two episodes…

  • Confidence is defined as “the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.” But simply put: Confidence is comfort. In your own skin, in your knowledge, in your experience, in your strengths and abilities, and in your resources and relationships. Whenever I see those things clearly and start building a “firm…

  • About a year ago, I got an email from author Jane Bedell asking about inclusion of my career tips for developers in her upcoming book published by Simon & Schuster titled “So, You Want to Be a Coder? The Ultimate Guide to a Career in Programming, Video Game Creation, Robotics, and More!” Got a complimentary…

  • One of the amazing takeaways I’ve had from my experience in the Oklahoma chapter Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) is a saying I’ve heard often: Carry Your Own Bags The idea is … what you get out of the experience is what you make of it. Your experience, happiness and fulfillment is your responsibility. Period. It’s particularly…

  • Just added a new book to my All-Time, Ultimate Reading List titled The 6 Pillars of Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Branden. I wish I had started reading this book when I was a teenager, and read it every year afterward. Foundational, impactful, truth for health and happiness. “To trust one’s mind and to know that one…