
  • So you’re ready to setup and host your first webinar, that’s awesome! Here’s how you do it …. 1. Signup for’s Free Trial Most webinar software services offer a 30-day free trial, including GoToWebinar (which we use at StartupSofa). Go signup for a free trial as soon as possible so you can schedule your…

  • The definition of a webinar is fairly simple and straightforward. A webinar is simply an online seminar or presentation. The words web (how a webinar is delivered) and seminar (a presentation) were combined to produce the word webinar. A webinar is presented similar to how you would deliver a topic in-person through a workshop or…

  • Internet marketers preach the importance of having a list. I do too. An email list of targeted people in your niche is invaluable to building a sustainable business online. Trust me on this: The bigger and better the list, the more success you’ll enjoy. We launched iThemes with an email list of about 200-300 people.…

  • This post has been brewing for a while, I’ve been trying to let it crystalize some more, and even now I’m not sure it’s polished, but after reading so many good books and posts recently (I’ll list as many as I can remember at the end of this post) on the subject of “content marketing,”…

  • I’ve been thinking a lot about unique experiences lately. As a consumer, I love and crave unique experiences. Whenever I think about unique experiences, I’m usually drawn to restaurants. Not the chain kind but the hole-in-the-wall, greasy spoon restuarants. My thought is that anybody can find and go to a chain restaurant like Olive Garden…

  • We’ll be elaborating on these things once we launch, but in the meantime, here are my rough draft thoughts on why Google should matter to your small business — even if you’re a one-man/woman shop! People are looking for the products and services you offer … online! Are you being found? Watch the video…

  • I remember the first weeks and months of trying to break into the web design field … It was hard. It was drastically different from my print design background (my first career was as a newspaper journalist). There were so many things to learn. After I learned some basic CSS skills, like what to look…

  • When I created my Twitter account over a year ago, I really didn’t understand it. To me, it seemed like another time-suck Web 2.0 creation. Then one day, someone on our team told me that I had over 900 followers on Twitter. I was shocked. So I scrambled to see what Twittermania was about. And…

  • I’m talking specifically about print (newspapers, magazines) and broadcast (TV, radio). But I’m excluding direct mail advertising. Here’s why online ads beat traditional advertising: It’s measuarable! For the past several decades advertising representatives have done a great job selling the “value” of advertising as we know it today. They’ve invested a lot into their sales…

  • It’s interesting how there truly is nothing new under the sun. Over and over, I continue to see old products and services take on new skin … Here’s some thoughts … “Twitter is like Facebook Status” – by my buddy Brad Ulrich, on describing Twitter to other college students “Facebook Walls are like the old…