30 Days of Clicking Publish
I was just talking with my coach about this. Some of my heroes growing up were Superman and He-Man. I marveled at what they could do. Even if they were cartoons and characters in a fictional story. Superman saves the day. He has strength and power and ability to literally save the day. In many…
“Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.” —Margaret Mead. At iThemes, I got to see the power of this statement unfold in a beautiful way. And what ignites that is a shared mission. I’m not talking about the…
This is about marketing. Just got off a call where the prospective client was open and honest about what their issues are, but even more so their clients issues. Client/customer problems are GOLD. Where are they frustrated? What are they worried about? What’s in their way? More importantly, how do they talk about their own…
Especially startups or new products. The key is to know you have a client then another and another that form a blazing trail to a bigger pocket of people you can identify, tap into and reach.
This is part of the 30 Days Click Publish Challenge. Wanna join in with me and others? Come join in the Post Status Slack. Over the last couple of years as I’ve dove into my deep deep work, one of the biggest and primary tasks has been to work on awareness of my emotions. I’ve…
I’ve been reading Tribe by Sebastian Junger finally and it’s given me focus and space to reflect and review work I’ve done under the “community” banner in business, particularly at iThemes and now at Post Status. Looking back, I see it as a hallmark of my career, wherever I’ve been or gone. And something I…
This is Day 2 of Click Publish Challenge. In the past year, I’ve done a LOT of reflecting on my life and career. A LOT. And I’ve never been one to linger too long on the past or past achievements. It’s always been, ok, that was done, now I’m on to the next big thing.…
This is the first post in my next 30 Days of Click Publish challenge. If you wanna join in at Post Status, join the #click-publish channel and share yours there! It’s been two years or so since I’ve done my last 30 Days of Click Publish challenge. But I’m excited again to restart it because…
Testing out the Editor Box plugin. Love the simplicity.
Been reading The Gap and The Gain by Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan. I’ve known of this concept of which the book is named of Dan’s for a while now. But I stumbled into the chapter talking about success criteria and tried working on that over the weekend. A question to help me unearth the…