Marketing Ideas
I was just reading this article about Google’s abysmal advertising budget and this quote from the writer summed up how great products and services generate natural and amazing marketing on its own: Like Google, Starbucks made a name for itself by developing a distinctive product that quickly resonated with consumers whose enthusiasm became infectious. Those…
Here’s one way to lower the bar for your product’s free trial: Don’t require them to give you their credit card! Insertit, a new codeless content management system, has a 30-day free trial … and on their signup button it says very plainly: “No credit card required.” They are differentiating themselves from the hundreds of…
LifeHacker’s editor Gina Trapani has some great advice about blogging a book … that is equally as sharp for writing and maintaining a blog that people actually want to read. Blogs are perfect for helping you write the book you’ve always wanted to write … but just haven’t. Here are 5 ways I think blogging…
I greatly admire and read everything Brian Clark of CopyBlogger writes … and while reading this post at The Long Tail titled Don’t Quit Your Day Job, I saw a comment he made to that post that caught my eye … it’s very appropriate for this blog and for small businesses, I think … and…
Hercules Hook has one seriously awesome marketing website. An excellent and energetic infomercial-type video runs immediately once you log on to the site. The front page is packed with graphics that look like a direct mail flier, only they’re clean and effective. To cap it off, an order form is included “below the fold.” Although…
… with Free411. They’ve got an online search, or you can call their toll-free number: 1-800-FREE411 (1-800-373-3411). Be sure to check your businesses listing and report wrong information it here.
… by posting free recipes like Smoothie Recipes does. I could see how a grocery store or food outlet, like a nutrition store or “organic” shop, could also post cooking and health food tips based on their products … … but the principle is simple: Find ways to promote your products or services in innovative,…
Darren at Problogger has posted a case study on his blog site Digital Photography School — which I might add is an incredible resource as well as a great blogging example. In this post, he really details his strategy for the blog, which is only 9 months old! You’ll want to print this post off…
Michael at Monkey Bites tell us about “vending machines having upgraded from candy bars to iPods.” Yes, iPods are being sold in vending machines! (I got my video iPod from Wal-Mart.) According to the article (drawn from this Atlanta Journal Constitution article), customers are willing to plunk down $300 in a vending machine! Marketing Lesson:…